1) Scenes for the gallery aren't unlocking despite fulfilling the requirements. I loaded with save from 0.23 with the current 0.27 update (if that makes sense to you) in free loam (without starting any new events) since that's when the issue started. Loaded a save from 0.20 since I was hoping the issue would be fixed but nope.
But despite the scenes not unlocking from the save files, they're already unlocked when going back to the main menu and viewing the gallery from there.
2) Missing the fairy event. I did start on this event but I decided to start over from the last event in 0.20 cause of the gallery issue. The event never popped up in my save.
3) Unable to relearn Titus Exposus from Henry after using the Book of Boredom for that skill.
1 -Pretty sure I fixed this for all scenes. Might require a game restart just once, but it should work afterwards. It's not the perfect solution, but something I'm still trying to improve. If you're having issues with a specific scene not unlocking, let me know.
2 - fairy event has been moved back. It now unlocks after you meet Willow. The dialogue makes more sense with hero talking about 'fairies' lacking in his harem. Combat could have confused new players as well
so far the game is good. What stops it being great for me is klaus. I have had this desire to stab him with a rusty fork in the mouth every time he speaks. I have to speed through dialogue cause I absolutely can’t stand him. I have no set favorite girl atm but mizuki is up there along with asa
Looks like it broke for everyone. No idea what the cause is, but I managed to fix it by deleting the whole script file and throwing it back in. Gonna have to issue a patch for this. Until then, it's bricked.
Having a repeated issue of not being able to get past the date with isabella. As the scene with the windows at home causes the game to freeze and kill itself.
I have had 0 issues until that point and have no clue why it happens
Had another player with the same issue a year ago on android. Not too sure how he fixed it. If you are playing on android, you can try joiplay and downloading the pc version.
Try downloading the above and extracting it into your animations folder. It's in LustHarem 0.27.x/game/images/animations. Make sure you overwrite the files. If this doesn't help, I could try redoing the animation. Honestly have no idea why it happens tho.
Also, which animation exactly crashes for you? First window scene? Second?
I will try doing this, will come back and say how it went. And its the second window scene, the first scene is very buggy but it is managable. But as it shifts into the second scene it just dies. No error message or nothing
Only cheat codes are the kind that unlock Halloween and Christmas content or change some decisions you made in game. You can use renpy console for stats, money and so on.
Google 'renpy console' and check the first or second result. Can also try 'lust harem cheat mod' as someone made one. Can't link due to nature of the site I believe.
it is a straight game dumbfuck. literality that's a fake scene of a guy making up a story and they aren't even transgender they are futanaris which are way different. maybe get you facts right and get some intelligence before complaing.
I like the game but god i loathe klaus i'm sorry but i do, and when i say loathe i mean absolutely loathe, loathe, loathe him so much so i wish i could of put a gun to my head everytime he appeared with all his annoying B.S... otherwise a good game besides him.
Yeah, helping her and not needing any for yourself? I believe that has a hint issue. Simply ignore the demonic scroll bit. You obviously didn't get it as you don't have a demon.
wanted to update the android version, said it was in conflict with another app, deleted the old version, reinstalled new version, all my savestates gone gg ...
A temporary fix. The issue was with the combatlog. It's based on a list that had old, outdated entries from previous versions. It displayed info with outdated skills that were causing an error.
Hi dev if you plan to include lesbian content can you make it avoidable or give the opportunity to prevent girls from being lesbians. I don't know why most games don't have the opportunity to avoid it.
Proper long romance or only in threesome scenes where mc will be presented, and player can either encourage girls to play with each other or "forbid" It.
If you're thinking of some girl suddenly going lesbian for w/e reason, then yeah, that can be made optional. Altho I'm not really planing any content like that. At least not with deep emotional romance. Two girls experimenting and having casual fun with hero in a threesome is a different story.
There is two lesbians that the hero will ultimately get to sleep with, but he won't be taking much interest in their love interests. Also, they are optional as all other side characters. He'll probably convert and set them straight too.
I have no idea why so many people dislike your comment, i personally have no b problem with lesbians or even gay people inside a game, but i can understand if you don't like it and there is nothing wrong with it, people are so weird
THANK YOU, DUDE!!! FINALLY SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH ME. Developers don't understand that not everyone wants to see gay/lesbian content in games. I really hate it when i'm enjoying a game and then all of a sudden i'm forced to see gay stuff...it's frustrating.
started fresh - in the character screen for the girls, if you click hints and there are no hints, when you click the X to close the screen it throws an exception error.
I believe you're talking about lack of hints in prologue? I'm aware of these issues and actully have them fixed. They'll show up with the next public release. As a temp solution you can avoid the exception error by clicking again on 'hint', instead of 'close'. That's gonna hide the hint window.
na, this is after the prologue, and the exception error screen responds to both 'back' and 'ignore'. its not a game breaker in any way, just a small bug. honestly, i shouldnt need to check the hints because there is no content for those girls, which i think is why the error is popping up..
it is all of the side girls.. here is an example of when it happens (if you click "Close" on this window) and heres a copy/paste of teh BB code, as im not sure which the 'main lines' would be :)
like i said, it doesnt really break the game, you can click ignore or rollback and it goes straight back to the game.. it only happens if there are no remaining hints for the girl. i only mention it cos newer players might be put off.
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 609, in execute_call_screen
i do however keep getting this question mark at the uni, even though there are no girls i havent yet met.. at this moment, the only girl at the uni is Magda and her even hotter little purple-haired friend, but i've already bought a couple of spells from Magda already.. is there a chance it might be Kate from the checkpoint scenes? i havent seen her again at all for some reason
Definitely Magda. For whatever reason her picture changed to 'unknown'. I'll look into this after work.
Kate should show up at the beach, assuming you stamped her papers. Maybe the hint isn't displaying properly. Try going to the beach at evening and ordering a drink.
Available cheat codes unlock content or change story decisions as new options were unlocked. For anything else, you can simply use the renpy console.
KateSaint - It will alter the story so you helped Kate without taking advantage of her. This cheat will RESET Kate's story (includes pregnancy events).
KateMolestHelp - It will alter the story so you helped Kate after taking advantage of her. This cheat will RESET Kate's story (includes pregnancy events).
BellaRejected - It will alter the story so you rejected Isabella's advances. Even after her attempted seduction.
EarlyHalloween - unlocks all Halloween content (wallpaper, outfit)
I'd like to report a bug about fireshield spell. The morning after the battle with the use of fireshield the fire resistance become -25 (see attached). As far as I can test it only happens if you use this spell - learning only doesn't provide such effect. However, if you use spell two times, your morning after fire resistance become -50 and so on.
Haven't posted a new devlog as mac version is still uploading.
Adult Toadpole shop now properly restocks store each day
cure poison: player will no longer take damage from poison after curing it. In addition, the potion also reduces damage from poison (used to simply increase resistance to it)
added regeneration stats to character inventory
added name tooltips to glossary
fixed missing scenes in witcher laptop replay. This will need improving in the future
fixed Asara spawning in the library when she's supposed to be in the dorms
sewer dungeon: early on when Asara is still in library at evening, selecting a map and canceling before doing any combat would take the player to the dorms. This is now fixed
fixed crashes/errors saying 'currentplayer' has no name attribute. This was caused by skipping, and in some cases the text under combatlog not changing properly
fixed missing sfx error on conjured skeletons
minor improvements to Willow story4 dialogue
improved enemy counterattack on touch spells
fixed a rare error that may have popped up during damage calculation for monsters
casting titus exposus during arena event will no longer cause issues with music (flies sound effect)
changed locations positioning on map for better clarity
improved character icons positioning on map for better clarity
fixed Helen animation in repeat
equipping an item for the first time could cause an error if this is the first item ever the player used
in 0.20 an exception is thrown in battle when the last kill in the combat before was done by a minion. it's not a hard crash but can be mitigated with "ignore" twice
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpy", line 284, in <module>
text "What will {0} do?".format(currentplayer.name) outlines[ (absolute(10), "#000", absolute(2), absolute(2)) ]
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'</module>
not exactly sure about the root cause, maybe the battle end does not (re)set the variables/classes correctly when the final kill was not done by MC or Asara
if you need it I can post the whole trace or prepare a save game
and one QoL change request: please add tooltips with the name to the Characters screen similar to the ones in Skills.
use case: my memory for names sucks :) exploring the new features I bought the outfit for some Isabelle and it took me a lot of clicking around in the chars' screen to identify her :D
PS another totally critical bug deserving a hot fix: titus exposus does not work on the woman in dungeon lvl 4 :P
As for errors with minions. I've noticed it giving the same error in a few other cases, when canceling skill selection and so on. Think I eliminated them all now.
Thank you again.
Edit: Heh. Didn't think of that as she's a spirit and wouldn't care. Main issue now would be the scenes that follow after (she's fully dressed in them from what I remember). I'll look into changing that but that's something to be done in the future.
and I didn't meant the spell as way to end the fight but as eye candy gimmick. but yes, you'll would have to create a new set of windows for the scene after the combat, probably not worth your time for a small easter egg
if you made the spell effect just pull her shirt down, you could just add a second shot where she pulls her clothes back up, and no need to re-cast all the following shots in the ending scene
the regen part of invEquip() in char_def is triggered when equipping the troll ring, but startPlayersTurn() in battle_def gives 0 for MC's p.regen['hp']
Copy & paste the save file into the new version of the game. There's a save folder if you're on PC. Android is SD:/Android/data/com.LustHarem.program/files/saves/
Also, if you by any chance deleted your save files: search up %appdata% and then find the renpy folder in there. Copy all files to the newly downloaded 0.20 version.
← Return to game
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Probably the best H game on this site honestly. Great job, definitely gonna follow your profile to see what else you put out in the futurem
Thank you.
Are there any strategies for the fairies? I just get put down any time I try them
Invisibility, summons, drain mana. Or mana shield and something that is sure to hit.
Check the hint before you fight them. Shortcut.
Ah yes, "Approach the fairies"
Interesting. Mine said, "Learn Drain Mana and Invisibility." Let me complete the scene without a fight.
You have the battle minigame switched off.
I didn't. Love the battle minigames. Not complaining though. It was the second time I went against them. Got my a$$ handed to me the first time.
Get a butt load of heals and mana potions, use Invisibity when they do. Heal while invisible. Use Mana drain on them. Once theyre out of Mana its a W.
Just had all my gear suddenly vanish. Everything I had equipped. Happened when I got the rat flute. Is this a known bug?
First time I hear about it. I'll have a look, but on first glance I can't see anything in that event which would cause this.
I was able to reload a previous save and determined it occurs during the arena battles. Any gear you have equipped is just deleted.
What battle precisely? Is that in the wargame event or afterwards?
I just fought Ani, Bella and Stefan and all seems ok.
Disappeared during the individual battles, not the wargame. Noticed it after fight with Bella.
Had every equipment slot equipped and everything just vanishes.
Just found out it's the Kraepelin clones doing it. Gonna have to patch it.
Question, r🦍 is mentioned alot, will that option be available in future updates?
That's a thing that gets games banned, hence unlikely. Maybe as an afterpatch when the game is done.
Ah l see, well too bad hopefully in the future you can implement it if possible
Is there any walkthrough for this? Would love it just so I doesn't miss anything.
Found 3 issues:
1) Scenes for the gallery aren't unlocking despite fulfilling the requirements. I loaded with save from 0.23 with the current 0.27 update (if that makes sense to you) in free loam (without starting any new events) since that's when the issue started. Loaded a save from 0.20 since I was hoping the issue would be fixed but nope.
But despite the scenes not unlocking from the save files, they're already unlocked when going back to the main menu and viewing the gallery from there.
2) Missing the fairy event. I did start on this event but I decided to start over from the last event in 0.20 cause of the gallery issue. The event never popped up in my save.
3) Unable to relearn Titus Exposus from Henry after using the Book of Boredom for that skill.
Hey, thanks for the feedback.
1 -Pretty sure I fixed this for all scenes. Might require a game restart just once, but it should work afterwards. It's not the perfect solution, but something I'm still trying to improve.
If you're having issues with a specific scene not unlocking, let me know.
2 - fairy event has been moved back. It now unlocks after you meet Willow. The dialogue makes more sense with hero talking about 'fairies' lacking in his harem. Combat could have confused new players as well
3 - didn't think of that. I'll get that fixed
Thank you.
so far the game is good. What stops it being great for me is klaus. I have had this desire to stab him with a rusty fork in the mouth every time he speaks. I have to speed through dialogue cause I absolutely can’t stand him. I have no set favorite girl atm but mizuki is up there along with asa
Loving the game so far, but everytime I try to open a slideshow I just get an error screen? Can anyone help? :D
Looks like it broke for everyone. No idea what the cause is, but I managed to fix it by deleting the whole script file and throwing it back in. Gonna have to issue a patch for this. Until then, it's bricked.
Thank you for the report.
Having a repeated issue of not being able to get past the date with isabella. As the scene with the windows at home causes the game to freeze and kill itself.
I have had 0 issues until that point and have no clue why it happens
Had another player with the same issue a year ago on android. Not too sure how he fixed it. If you are playing on android, you can try joiplay and downloading the pc version.
Not on android, pc.
Try downloading the above and extracting it into your animations folder. It's in LustHarem 0.27.x/game/images/animations. Make sure you overwrite the files. If this doesn't help, I could try redoing the animation. Honestly have no idea why it happens tho.
Also, which animation exactly crashes for you? First window scene? Second?
I will try doing this, will come back and say how it went. And its the second window scene, the first scene is very buggy but it is managable. But as it shifts into the second scene it just dies. No error message or nothing
How to get other strengths?, and how to increase the power?
You mean your character's spell power? It scales mostly with willpower but also increases when you learn more spells from the same magic school.
You gain some attack and willpower during level ups and through items.
How to get skill points?
Level up or proceed with stories. You get a few after completing various events.
where i go to fight monstters to level up
Rats with Asara (only 2 lvls higher than the rat lvl) and arena duels & monsters.
did u use daz for this? im used to blender but i dont have a good pc anymore so i was wondering if daz is aight for 4gb RAM?
Honey Select 2. Never used DAZ
great, thanks! I'll see if it works. and if you wanna work on something together then lemme know. It may be fun idk.
Show post...
anyone know any cheat codes?
Only cheat codes are the kind that unlock Halloween and Christmas content or change some decisions you made in game. You can use renpy console for stats, money and so on.
what script do I use for the renpy cheat or is there a website I can find one
Google 'renpy console' and check the first or second result. Can also try 'lust harem cheat mod' as someone made one. Can't link due to nature of the site I believe.
Show post...
it is a straight game dumbfuck. literality that's a fake scene of a guy making up a story and they aren't even transgender they are futanaris which are way different. maybe get you facts right and get some intelligence before complaing.
Are saves comparable from previous versions to current?
You can transfer saves from the previous version.
why cant I have some spells equipped at the same time like vamparic bite and invisability is it a bug or am I just dumb?
U can only have 1 elite spell at a time.
I like the game but god i loathe klaus i'm sorry but i do, and when i say loathe i mean absolutely loathe, loathe, loathe him so much so i wish i could of put a gun to my head everytime he appeared with all his annoying B.S... otherwise a good game besides him.
I can feel your anger Hahahahahaha!
Totally agree... waste of a lot of game time imho..
How do i even get the game to install on Android because it wont install the game?
Instal apk and play. Alternatively, download joiplay and the PC version.
nvm I figured it out
where can i learn skill summon demon?
Proceed with Asara's story, summon a demon, use the scroll in your inventory.
I don't have skill summon demon, how to learn it?
What was your choice during the summoning? Did u offer help with both? Summon only 1?
No, i choose the last option
Yeah, helping her and not needing any for yourself? I believe that has a hint issue. Simply ignore the demonic scroll bit. You obviously didn't get it as you don't have a demon.
Proceed with the other one and go to the pool.
Is there a special was you are suppose to beat the fairies? I lose every time.
Drain their mana or use invisibility or use summons.
Thank you, I will try it out.
Anyone know where i can find the link to the song klaude sang? Bis ans aEnde der Welt?
As a German i really need to ask, ehy would anyone want to hear this song XD
Was just curious :V
wanted to update the android version, said it was in conflict with another app, deleted the old version, reinstalled new version, all my savestates gone gg ...
I get this error every time I try to fight the fairies, any tips to fix?
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 609, in execute_call_screen
store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 530, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 530, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 538, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 539, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 540, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 549, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 550, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 551, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 552, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 557, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 559, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 559, in keywords
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 559, in <module>
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/skill_def.rpy", line 1365, in desc
AttributeError: 'ActiveSkill' object has no attribute 'tags'
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/other/setup.rpyc", line 102, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/00_home1.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "myscripts/00_home1.rpyc", line 29, in script call
File "myscripts/00_home1.rpyc", line 29, in script call
File "myscripts/01_asara.rpyc", line 113, in script call
File "myscripts/01_asara.rpyc", line 113, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/dungeons.rpyc", line 215, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/dungeons.rpyc", line 495, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/dungeons.rpyc", line 215, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/dungeons.rpyc", line 495, in script call
File "myscripts/01_asara.rpyc", line 225, in script call
File "myscripts/00_guardoffice.rpyc", line 54, in script call
File "myscripts/00_guardoffice.rpyc", line 54, in script call
File "myscripts/00_park.rpyc", line 146, in script call
File "myscripts/00_park.rpyc", line 146, in script call
File "myscripts/00_home1.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "myscripts/00_home1.rpyc", line 29, in script call
File "myscripts/01_asara.rpyc", line 225, in script call
File "myscripts/00_beach.rpyc", line 22, in script call
File "myscripts/01_asara.rpyc", line 55, in script call
File "myscripts/00_university.rpyc", line 36, in script call
File "myscripts/00_university.rpyc", line 90, in script call
File "myscripts/00_university.rpyc", line 90, in script call
File "myscripts/00_mall.rpyc", line 29, in script call
File "myscripts/01_asara.rpyc", line 113, in script call
File "myscripts/00_arena.rpyc", line 14, in script call
File "myscripts/01_asara.rpyc", line 225, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/dungeons.rpyc", line 215, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/dungeons.rpyc", line 495, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/dungeons.rpyc", line 215, in script call
File "myscripts/01_asara.rpyc", line 55, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/dungeons.rpyc", line 215, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/dungeons.rpyc", line 495, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/dungeons.rpyc", line 215, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 378, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/dungeons.rpyc", line 495, in script call
File "myscripts/01_asara.rpyc", line 225, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/dungeons.rpyc", line 215, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 357, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/player_actions.rpyc", line 29, in script
File "renpy/ast.py", line 2232, in execute
File "renpy/ast.py", line 2220, in call
return renpy.statements.call(method, parsed, *args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/statements.py", line 281, in call
return method(parsed, *args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 609, in execute_call_screen
store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/exports.py", line 3181, in call_screen
rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse="screen", type="screen", roll_forward=roll_forward)
File "renpy/ui.py", line 299, in interact
rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3377, in interact
repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, pause_modal=pause_modal, **kwargs) # type: ignore
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3810, in interact_core
root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 582, in visit_all
d.visit_all(callback, seen)
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 582, in visit_all
d.visit_all(callback, seen)
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 582, in visit_all
d.visit_all(callback, seen)
File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 451, in visit_all
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3810, in <lambda>
root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 462, in per_interact
File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 653, in update
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 530, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 530, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 538, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 539, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 540, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 549, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 550, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 551, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 552, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 557, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 559, in execute
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 559, in keywords
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/battle_def.rpy", line 559, in <module>
File "game/myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/skill_def.rpy", line 1365, in desc
AttributeError: 'ActiveSkill' object has no attribute 'tags'
Windows-10-10.0.19041 AMD64
Lust Harem 0.23
Fri Feb 3 23:16:40 2023
A temporary fix. The issue was with the combatlog. It's based on a list that had old, outdated entries from previous versions. It displayed info with outdated skills that were causing an error.
Hi dev if you plan to include lesbian content can you make it avoidable or give the opportunity to prevent girls from being lesbians. I don't know why most games don't have the opportunity to avoid it.
Are you talking about deeper stuff like proper, long romance or simply kissing during threesomes?
Proper long romance or only in threesome scenes where mc will be presented, and player can either encourage girls to play with each other or "forbid" It.
If you're thinking of some girl suddenly going lesbian for w/e reason, then yeah, that can be made optional. Altho I'm not really planing any content like that. At least not with deep emotional romance. Two girls experimenting and having casual fun with hero in a threesome is a different story.
There is two lesbians that the hero will ultimately get to sleep with, but he won't be taking much interest in their love interests. Also, they are optional as all other side characters. He'll probably convert and set them straight too.
Thx for answering and sorry for bothering you I was asking because I don't really like lesbian content.
I have no idea why so many people dislike your comment, i personally have no b problem with lesbians or even gay people inside a game, but i can understand if you don't like it and there is nothing wrong with it, people are so weird
THANK YOU, DUDE!!! FINALLY SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH ME. Developers don't understand that not everyone wants to see gay/lesbian content in games. I really hate it when i'm enjoying a game and then all of a sudden i'm forced to see gay stuff...it's frustrating.
It's a harem game. And it doesn't even give the message you're saying it does.
does the doll do anything?
Not at the moment.
started fresh - in the character screen for the girls, if you click hints and there are no hints, when you click the X to close the screen it throws an exception error.
I believe you're talking about lack of hints in prologue? I'm aware of these issues and actully have them fixed. They'll show up with the next public release.
As a temp solution you can avoid the exception error by clicking again on 'hint', instead of 'close'. That's gonna hide the hint window.
na, this is after the prologue, and the exception error screen responds to both 'back' and 'ignore'. its not a game breaker in any way, just a small bug. honestly, i shouldnt need to check the hints because there is no content for those girls, which i think is why the error is popping up..
What girls exactly? Can you post the error log? Main 3-6 lines should be enough.
it is all of the side girls.. here is an example of when it happens (if you click "Close" on this window)
and heres a copy/paste of teh BB code, as im not sure which the 'main lines' would be :)
like i said, it doesnt really break the game, you can click ignore or rollback and it goes straight back to the game.. it only happens if there are no remaining hints for the girl.
i only mention it cos newer players might be put off.
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 609, in execute_call_screen
store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/common/00action_data.rpy", line 371, in __call__
value = cs.scope[self.name]
KeyError: u'hintswindow'
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "myscripts/00_home1.rpyc", line 29, in script call
File "myscripts/00_mall.rpyc", line 35, in script call
File "myscripts/00_home1.rpyc", line 70, in script call
File "myscripts/00_home1.rpyc", line 29, in script call
File "myscripts/00_home1.rpyc", line 29, in script call
File "myscripts/00_home1.rpyc", line 29, in script call
File "myscripts/01_asara.rpyc", line 53, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/dungeons.rpyc", line 213, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/battle.rpyc", line 346, in script call
File "myscripts/battle engine/battle/define/dungeons.rpyc", line 481, in script call
File "myscripts/00_home1.rpyc", line 29, in script call
File "myscripts/00_dorms.rpyc", line 18, in script call
File "myscripts/00_home1.rpyc", line 70, in script call
File "myscripts/00_home1.rpyc", line 70, in script call
File "myscripts/00_home1.rpyc", line 29, in script
File "renpy/ast.py", line 2232, in execute
File "renpy/ast.py", line 2220, in call
return renpy.statements.call(method, parsed, *args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/statements.py", line 281, in call
return method(parsed, *args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 609, in execute_call_screen
store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/exports.py", line 3181, in call_screen
rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse="screen", type="screen", roll_forward=roll_forward)
File "renpy/ui.py", line 299, in interact
rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3377, in interact
repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, pause_modal=pause_modal, **kwargs) # type: ignore
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 4258, in interact_core
rv = root_widget.event(ev, x, y, 0)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1175, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1175, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1175, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 743, in event
rv = self.child.event(ev, x, y, st)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1175, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1399, in event
rv = super(Window, self).event(ev, x, y, st)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 279, in event
rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1175, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1399, in event
rv = super(Window, self).event(ev, x, y, st)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 279, in event
rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1175, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/behavior.py", line 1073, in event
return handle_click(self.clicked)
File "renpy/display/behavior.py", line 1008, in handle_click
rv = run(action)
File "renpy/display/behavior.py", line 329, in run
return action(*args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/common/00action_data.rpy", line 371, in __call__
value = cs.scope[self.name]
KeyError: u'hintswindow'
Windows-10-10.0.22621 AMD64
Lust Harem 0.21
Sat Nov 26 11:38:19 2022
i do however keep getting this question mark at the uni, even though there are no girls i havent yet met..

at this moment, the only girl at the uni is Magda and her even hotter little purple-haired friend, but i've already bought a couple of spells from Magda already..
is there a chance it might be Kate from the checkpoint scenes? i havent seen her again at all for some reason
Definitely Magda. For whatever reason her picture changed to 'unknown'. I'll look into this after work.
Kate should show up at the beach, assuming you stamped her papers. Maybe the hint isn't displaying properly. Try going to the beach at evening and ordering a drink.
ah ok, i havent yet unlocked the beach, so that makes sense.
Thank you for creating Klaus.
I need more Asuka!
that klaus character should be dead
umm were do you find the cheat codes, i've been searching all over but i can't find them?
Available cheat codes unlock content or change story decisions as new options were unlocked. For anything else, you can simply use the renpy console.
KateSaint - It will alter the story so you helped Kate without taking advantage of her. This cheat will RESET Kate's story (includes pregnancy events).
KateMolestHelp - It will alter the story so you helped Kate after taking advantage of her. This cheat will RESET Kate's story (includes pregnancy events).
BellaRejected - It will alter the story so you rejected Isabella's advances. Even after her attempted seduction.
EarlyHalloween - unlocks all Halloween content (wallpaper, outfit)
any cheats for Money?
Hi developer Can you add Some new Cheat Like Unlimited Mana and Money For next Update pls Respond Thank you.
There are cheats that give you 1000€ and increase stats but are for supporters only.
I'd like to report a bug about fireshield spell. The morning after the battle with
the use of fireshield the fire resistance become -25 (see attached). As far as I can test it only happens if you use this spell - learning only doesn't provide such effect. However, if you use spell two times, your morning after fire resistance become -50 and so on.
This happens both in 0.21 and 0.20.
Thanks for the report. I'll look into it after work.
cheats anyone
I just saw .21 got posted but what's new in it?
Haven't posted a new devlog as mac version is still uploading.
in 0.20 an exception is thrown in battle when the last kill in the combat before was done by a minion. it's not a hard crash but can be mitigated with "ignore" twice
not exactly sure about the root cause, maybe the battle end does not (re)set the variables/classes correctly when the final kill was not done by MC or Asara
if you need it I can post the whole trace or prepare a save game
It's the text under combatlog. For some reason it didn't reset for you. Did you use 'all minions attack'?
Found the issue. Happens when you skip (left CTRL) when selecting 'All minions attack'. For some bizzare reason it also skips the variable change.
This will be fixed in the next update/hotfix. Thank you for the report.
quite sure I was not skipping but an unset variable seems very plausible.
will report if it works for me in the next release :)
and one QoL change request: please add tooltips with the name to the Characters screen similar to the ones in Skills.
use case: my memory for names sucks :) exploring the new features I bought the outfit for some Isabelle and it took me a lot of clicking around in the chars' screen to identify her :D
PS another totally critical bug deserving a hot fix: titus exposus does not work on the woman in dungeon lvl 4 :P
I'll add that. Shouldn't be a problem.
As for errors with minions. I've noticed it giving the same error in a few other cases, when canceling skill selection and so on. Think I eliminated them all now.
Thank you again.
Edit: Heh. Didn't think of that as she's a spirit and wouldn't care. Main issue now would be the scenes that follow after (she's fully dressed in them from what I remember). I'll look into changing that but that's something to be done in the future.
great, thanks for checking & fixing!
and I didn't meant the spell as way to end the fight but as eye candy gimmick. but yes, you'll would have to create a new set of windows for the scene after the combat, probably not worth your time for a small easter egg
if you made the spell effect just pull her shirt down, you could just add a second shot where she pulls her clothes back up, and no need to re-cast all the following shots in the ending scene
Not a bad idea. I'll probably do that or something similar.
I haven't looked at that event for a while now.
somehow HP regen is not working.
the regen part of invEquip() in char_def is triggered when equipping the troll ring, but startPlayersTurn() in battle_def gives 0 for MC's p.regen['hp']
Just checked. Works fine. Are u sure about this one? Check if your regen drops to -1 if u unequip the ring.
can I somewhere see the regen value? the only way I'm aware of is to take an eye between combat rounds
No, I'll throw it in. Shouldn't be difficult to see though. Just keep 1 rat alive and check if you lost HP or not.
and the cure poison is working only with delay?
- got poisoned (w/ poison damage)
- drank anti poison potion (health bar not green again, condition icon gone)
- got poison damage (wait, what?)
noticed this with the Manticore and did not test it further
That is idd a bug. I'll get it fixed.
aaaand one more, but I saw all the new content, should be the final one :)
replaying The Bitcher on the laptop has a lot of image not found errors.
compare the working scene in 02_varess
with the b0rken one in my_computer
replacing 'varess5_' with 'laptop2_' in my_computer seems to solve this
edited to add: there is no way to unlock the love wallpaper? persistent.lovewallpaper is never set to true
My bad. I changed the scene names. Thanks for the reports.
Love wallpaper - not at the moment, no. I'll throw it with some other content or for Valentine's
I just finished ur the 0.19 version rn and deleted it not knowing theres a new version. If im gonna play 0.20, how do i use my 0.19 save?
Copy & paste the save file into the new version of the game. There's a save folder if you're on PC. Android is SD:/Android/data/com.LustHarem.program/files/saves/
Also, if you by any chance deleted your save files: search up %appdata% and then find the renpy folder in there. Copy all files to the newly downloaded 0.20 version.
there's a question mark in the university, and i cant find out what it is
Magda & Anisa or Mia & Christina. Go to university and use the left and right arrows to navigate. Check the hint as well in worldmap.
hey I have a question do all the girls who have pregnancy on do they all give birth at some point?
In the future, yes. At the moment, only Mizuki. I need to get some models for that.
What do I do with Erika? I’ve done the option to subdue and now nothing? Or is that later in next update?
Only the helping her route has a sex scene for now. Seduction route is to be done.
Omg I love the way Katherine handled Klaus. It was epic. I hate Klaus so much.