ummm not sure if its intended or not but when you do the event with asuka on the beach and her and jen play vollyball against the pregos for some reason when it switches back to mc its klaus's model and not the mc
Hero changes his appearance to conceal himself from the preggo he had an argument with. Think there was some internal dialogue about him being thankful for having illusions and being able to do this. I'll have another look later.
Save it on the old version in an open space where you can access map, inventory etc. Then load it on new version. This is no longer really necessary as of 0.19.2. You can load pretty much any save file during any event etc. Only exception is the battle minigame.
This is to apply new changes and variables. If you load a savefile where you're playing the battle minigame, you'll simply get a load of errors.
For anyone who downloaded 0.19.0. I issued a quick update to 0.19.1 that fixes a bug with the battle minigame after fighting the sewer boss. If you're on PC, just download the 6mb file.
You buy it, you learn it. That's it. I need to change that dialogue a bit. If you wanna make it useable during combat then double click it in the spell list.
KateSaint - It will alter the story so you helped Kate without taking advantage of her. This cheat will RESET Kate's story (includes pregnancy events).
KateMolestHelp - It will alter the story so you helped Kate after taking advantage of her. This cheat will RESET Kate's story (includes pregnancy events).
Great thanks. Im loving your work please keep PUMPING OUT those updates. Pardon the pun, i have a very dry sense of humour. Is there a code to give yourself more money? Thanks
I like it so far, art is fine, the story not groundbreaking but still a good read - keep up the good work!
After playing it some time I have two major feedback points:
- I _always_ forget what the spells exactly do. Please give me a way to reread the spell descriptions in combat :)
- The spelling makes it often hard to follow the plot. Have you ever tried to export the dialog (should be an option in Renpy's SDK) and opened it with Word/Grammerly/whatever to run a spell checker?
Looking at the history of updates... seems as if there's one every 20-30 days. Are you working solo and just cranking this shit out or do you have help? Genuine question, as I would like to help(donations aren't an option cuz bills drain my cash flow dry)
(Also an approximated ETA on a solid 1.9 ver would be very much appreciated)
The updates happen every 2-4 months or so. I did jump from 0.10 to 0.15 and then to 0.18. It's a solo project that I spent time on after work. Sometimes I have more time, sometimes less.
Found a small bug (Can't send a video sorry I only have potato pc).
When I went to the library to talk to Asara, I picked a location to go to the sewers, but I canceled it and weirdly I was teleported to Asara's dorm. Funny thing tho is that I haven't even unlocked the dorms yet.
Also Helen cannot be found at the university or anywhere during the evenings even tho the map and the glossary say's she is available.
Thats all, great game btw props to the person that made the dialog's funny af also the reference of harem hotel caught me off guard lmao.
I liked the game, the premise is good and the scenario with everything together and mixed. I add a lot of things I've seen in other games here on the platform. Modern scenery, magic, semi-humans, maybe a "villain" is missing!.. Which reminds me to ask why Klaus has so much history, if I can leave my opinion here, he doesn't add anything, in the prologue maybe , but then it doesn't even serve as comic relief. The MC is very condescending to him. Well, so far as I'm following the lore, it's been pretty interesting. I apologize here in advance, because I didn't check if something has already been commented on this. I noticed that during the game the MC's design was changed with that of Klaus. The first time happened during the prologue and I didn't care, because I thought it was my mistake. Now it happened again, during Natalie's event on the beach. After the MC comes back from the changing room, to watch the volleyball match. Anyway, congratulations for the beautiful work.
On the beach the hero has changed himself into Klaus to avoid confrontation with the pregnant woman. Illusion, nothing else. I can't check atm but I think there was some inner monologue about it.
As for the prologue you'd have to be more specific. You mean him telling the story?
Thanks for the answer! In this case, fine! Maybe I skipped some part of the text! About the prologue I will try to restart the story to observe the exact point! Thanks again for your attention!
Okay. I love the game and played it again, after the hints for the side characters was added. But I am missing 6 side characters and for every character says the hint, that no more content for this version. Did I miss something?
Nice new update. I liked seeing Willow and getting to know her better. Plus seeing the MC fight too. Then the cat, it was what I was hoping for :D
I didnt see the brick save message and I loaded the game halfway through and event. It basically made me replay the event the next day as it was a trigger event (last save was the Issabella event, so I replayed the date). Would I have broken the save ? I didnt see anything that broke.
Well MC has the succubus charm filter on, and also in the karaoke event with Klaus they were interested in him until he Klaused it up but Klaus is my fav one of the reason i play is his presences.
Great game. One of the newer ones I've seen that is pretty good and not a pain to play through, lots of funny moments. Animations were great wasn't expecting them to be so nice. Also story isn't half bad and looks like it has a lot of potential. Im really picky about what gets to stay on my phone and this definently has potential.
Klaus is a hilarious comedic relief character. Really like Eileen, Varess and Mizuki are probably my top 3 now I think Eileen is 1st despite the lack of *plot* scenes with her but she is just so interesting.
The kitsune is so damn adorable I want to just protect that smile. Nice to hear Willow and Helen content especially the Willow content I uh appreciate the options to change our relationship with her ;)
Also a lot games tend to lack side character options just like a quickie is all I ask and u got those here. Pretty nice surprises to run into as there aren't hints to them which makes it a fun surprise, unless there are and I'm blind lol. Keep those side bangs coming I enjoy the main girls but unexpected side bangs are nice surprises.
Edit: Also I noticed in the gallery a pregnant girl? Or some girl in a red bikini? Not sure where to find her, a sie character I think, trying to think how I missed her.
There are no hints for side characters at the moment. I will most likely have to throw something for the bigger events like Natalie has but minor stuff will be left to explore.
As for the pregnant girl:
-complete Natalie's first event at night
-order new drink at the bar
-if nothing happens then read the bellow
SPOILERS ahead. Read at your own discretion:
Another requirements is for you to have taken advantage of the girl at the border checkpoint. If you haven't then there's something else coming for her in the next update. You will also get an option to use a cheat code and change your decision to a new option - helping without taking advantage.
Seriously, I wish itch offered something like a [spoiler] command.
No worries thanks! Ah no wonder. Was curious if I missed something at the beach. Ah nice yeah the border girl was nice, cool to see it'll be expanded upon and an alternate option.
bar? what bar? this game definitely needs some kind of hint system, i definitely didn't see anywhere near 1/4 of 4800 scenes ,, i prolly only saw 500 (1/10th of the game?) .. i was left with the feeling that this was a small game so far, and was feeling disappointed and wasnt going to follow it any more - so with that in mind, hints would help you retain a player base. lucky i came back to check up on the game and saw this comment.
in the meantime, i guess i'll reinstall it and try again when the new update is released
and that is working? obviously not. as i said, i saw around 10% of what you say is included in the game. that made me lose interest, and the only thing that brought me back was pure luck. how many others didn't come back? are you aware of the widely-known statistic in retail that only 1:10 ppl actually give feedback when they have an issue? 9/10 customers with a problem usually just leave and never return. butt sure, you can ignore my advice if you want, its your loss. #NotMyCircusNotMyMonkeys
Not exactly what I meant. It was mostly a reply to the 'this game definitely needs some kind of hint system' part. Yes, there is a hint system but yes I know it needs improvement.
Also, your feedback is appreciated. Idk if what I said came off wrong or not.
I'm not sure about the numbers but I know that very well, being a customer myself and often not bothering giving feedback.
-- Loved the foxs beastial insticts coming out when shes horny. The licking, sniffing and panting. It was pretty interesting. Then shes back to civil the next morning after calming down pretending like it didnt happen. Cuming on the tail was the icing on the cake. What a cultured MC. I like where its going :D
--Holy fuck, Klaus can sing. Outstanding, but I still knew he was going to self destruct. He didnt disappoint. Fox is finally fed up with him heh. Shes finally complaining.
-- I feel like MCs ment to be the one who breaks Erikas curse.... but.... I totally hope she stays like that, for a long time at least.. ngl, cause I'd total hit that (Kemonomimi that is, RIP Henry) . Maybe if we got the succubus involved to confuse her feelings, she might wanna stay a pig girl for the MC, or not.. Just my wishful thinking :p. If the curse irreversible now, I'd be happy with that.
-- Finally got to see the succubus in action with Isabella Was nice to see her get involved with helping the MC like that. She really did us proud handling Isabella. I like her playing a more active role like that as MCs companion/winglady. So I enjoyed it. And her shenanigans :).
--Figured Mia as a side character, and probably is. But shes sorta growing on me now where I want the MC to tame her like a main girl. But I also been looking forward to the lonely elf. I'll have to be patient for that I guess.
Thank you for making this game, I been enjoying it.
Android, latest version. No errors. When Isabella is being plowed against the window, on one foot if I remember. It crashes almost instantly. Varess in the bath too. I can say these crashes repeat. Hope this helps, awesome game by the way!
I can't recreate this issue on my phone or other devices so it's rather difficult to resolve. I did however update renpy (the game engine) which brings some updates to android packaging. I also reconverted the animations you're having issues with. Hope this helps.
The animations are running much smoother, crashes are much less frequent. Thanks again and keep up the good work. Looking forward to the next installment!
Shame there wasn't more of Helen or Willow this update but I'm very much interested in seeing more. Especially with how things are unfolding at school and Isabella!
Couple of things I ran into:
For some reason trying to talk to Asuka in the evening has you talk to Mizuki instead.
Also, would be nice to have hints for side characters and events we can actually do. I spent longer than I care to admit trying to figure out how to unlock the 8th gallery scene. Bar tender told me about a girl he had seen so I spent every hour of every day for a week trying to run into her but no luck.
Gave up and looked at the game files to see if I could find my own hint and discovered was with the girl I didn't take advantage of for not having a valid passport.
Figured that's why I haven't ran into her, or if I'm supposed to run into her anyways it's currently bugged.
Must have missed the Asuka/Mizu thing. Thanks for the report.
Hints for side characters will be definitely coming. Considering their numbers it's a must. As for the girl, people who didn't take advantage of her will see her in the next update with different content from people who did.
Oh my god i love this. So funny (author even making fun of other renpy games like Harem Hotel, but in a good way). The character of Klaus is insane and his stories are insane as well (i am always laughing with his charades. Did almost "died" couple of times, because if i laugh too much i start coughing and if i cough too much i start to suffocate (it's worse right now, because i am sick), but still love it.
I like the character models of girls, some are very cute and not totally copy pasted, like many other games.
I think i will be a patron. Think i will take the Headmaster. You deserve more than 14£ a month. Though i will wait for the start of next month (so monday). Will see how my finances goes and how long i can go. I really hope for you to get more attention. You deserve it. Keep up the good work
Hmm, well i was never good with this types of games and my best score for now is 1500 (and i though thats good), sooo this is probably out of the question for me :)
yeah i havent even come close to 3400 either.. only juyst scraping the 1500 mark.. same with the memory game, there just isn't enough time to make more than a single retry on matches - and thats not just me being slow, you literally cannot click any faster, its either a perfectgame, or you lose..i also hate skipping minigames, but they should at least be winnable without being absolutely perfect. the dev should study some game theory (no, not the social sciences type, the gaming type)
i couldn't give a flying shit what companies like IGN or others say. You pay them and they give full ratings and glowing reviews no matter how bad something is.
My Pros? - Enjoyed the succubus, the aloof personality plays really well with a succubus, I like it. plus! Also finally a fellow man of culture, who understands horns make great handle bars! - Supernatural elements, like the above pro, supernatural events and races make these games more interesting to me. - Klaus is dope, never change pls. But seriously, how does the kitsune remain so patient ? Sometimes he does get too retarded, but I can mind it in the spirit of comedy. Klaus also nailed the straight man tangent, beautiful - Dark humor, great you dont care about offending those snowflakes. aka, that pornstar vid for example was top notch. But I tell ya when I heard that gunshot, I was like "oh noes, what have I done" But it all turned out fine in the end. - Milk with Tea gang - Parodies of at least 2 games I recognized. -Harem. With great power, comes great bitches.
My Cons? - Succubus, I wish there was more to do with her early on, and I dont understand why you dont let us into the bathroom too since we are bounded anyway. Is she really going to Kyaaaa, cause we saw her bathing nude ?. I suggest more light hearted scenes, such as flirting and teasing and a repeatable BJ or HJ until her story opens up into the real scenes (the first fuck). Or her doing random funny shit /shrugs. So I kinda wish she played a more active role and really do want to see her "succubus" powers being used or on display. even if just for shits and giggles (pranking the local populace) - MapA feels like restrictive atm. Not alot of places to visit, not alot of things to do in most places. - MapB, Kinda similar in terms to the one above, but I find myself having to use pass time a hell of a lot. Nothing to do otherwise, Needs some little events and things the MC can be doing to pass time. I assume more minigames and being about to hunt rats (plus more ?) in the future will be implemented ? - Cant touch the fluffy tail or ears. Im salty - All I can think of for now, as the main cons.
Extra Notes? -The cat watching her mistress getting railed was noice. Makes me wish it maybe was a nekomatta or something in cat form. So catgirl ? Probably not, but I will hope. It clearly did enjoy what it saw right ^_~ - Klaus being caught fucking a skull had me in tears. - Why does the school, or say the nerd have the sex/perv spells and the succubus doesnt, im going to hope its cause the succubus powers are massively more potent ? As a demon of desire. Guess maybe cause we yet to see the succubus in full action. Hopefully it makes Henry's spells childs play. -Snake Lady,, hehe, that was a great one. - Felt a little wierd, when the blue hair tree hugger turned Klaus into stone and we did nothing as a "guard". I was hoping the MC would demand her to turn him back and he would let her walk away(what she did was seriously a serious crime, attack on law enforcement) - I think more rape play with succubus could be fun. Dont really know if any other character would be into it. Im also curious about succubus pee, but not sure if its going to be a thing. Its in the dirty list of kinks <.<
Anyway, its already a novel at this point, so will end it here. Was a fun game. Lots of potential.
What do you mean, the Succubus is free game. He rapes her, she rapes him back. The games begin! And if theres any other character into the play, then thats fine. MC isnt going to just start raping random girls,. thats not what I asking. Is that the conclusion you came too ?
This is certainly an enjoyable and often hilarious game. I'm not quite finished with this version yet, but I'm already looking forward to the next update. I'm not able to help you out on Patreon, but if you do the name your own price (I know a number of devs who don't like it) or Buy Me a Coffee, I'd like to give you something, at least.
Thanks, appreciate it. I named my own price for the game as 0$ and don't feel obliged to donate anything. Upvoting the game or sharing it with your friends is more than enough.
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Anal sex?
There's some anal scenes with Natalie.
ummm not sure if its intended or not but when you do the event with asuka on the beach and her and jen play vollyball against the pregos for some reason when it switches back to mc its klaus's model and not the mc
Hero changes his appearance to conceal himself from the preggo he had an argument with. Think there was some internal dialogue about him being thankful for having illusions and being able to do this. I'll have another look later.
ah ok cheers, i must have missed it
How do you exactly put the game to free roam mode?
Save it on the old version in an open space where you can access map, inventory etc. Then load it on new version.
This is no longer really necessary as of 0.19.2. You can load pretty much any save file during any event etc. Only exception is the battle minigame.
This is to apply new changes and variables. If you load a savefile where you're playing the battle minigame, you'll simply get a load of errors.
This are just some bugs I found on Natalie's route. Sex Animation w/ Natalie does not play too.
Thank you for the report. It's my bad. Idk how but I must have forgotten to put it in. Think I may have messed a file transfer somewhere...
This is pretty much already resolved with other issues and will be with the next update in an hour or two. Just testing now.
thanks a lot for 0.19 - you were able to improve all the negative points I mentioned here(tm) before!
great work, looking forward to see your development as game designer!
Thanks for the feedback and comment.
For anyone who downloaded 0.19.0. I issued a quick update to 0.19.1 that fixes a bug with the battle minigame after fighting the sewer boss. If you're on PC, just download the 6mb file.
Sorry for this!
i love this game humour.
Hi, i bought titus exposus from henry but how do i learn it?
You buy it, you learn it. That's it. I need to change that dialogue a bit.
If you wanna make it useable during combat then double click it in the spell list.
ok thank you
Hi, what are the different cheat codes that have been added?
Spoilers ahead.
KateSaint - It will alter the story so you helped Kate without taking advantage of her. This cheat will RESET Kate's story (includes pregnancy events).
KateMolestHelp - It will alter the story so you helped Kate after taking advantage of her. This cheat will RESET Kate's story (includes pregnancy events).
Great thanks. Im loving your work please keep PUMPING OUT those updates. Pardon the pun, i have a very dry sense of humour. Is there a code to give yourself more money? Thanks
There's not but you can use the console (renpy editor or whatever it is called). Variable is Simply change it to something else.
I like it so far, art is fine, the story not groundbreaking but still a good read - keep up the good work!
After playing it some time I have two major feedback points:
- I _always_ forget what the spells exactly do. Please give me a way to reread the spell descriptions in combat :)
- The spelling makes it often hard to follow the plot. Have you ever tried to export the dialog (should be an option in Renpy's SDK) and opened it with Word/Grammerly/whatever to run a spell checker?
I'll look into these. Thank you.
Looking at the history of updates... seems as if there's one every 20-30 days. Are you working solo and just cranking this shit out or do you have help? Genuine question, as I would like to help(donations aren't an option cuz bills drain my cash flow dry)
(Also an approximated ETA on a solid 1.9 ver would be very much appreciated)
-Kaine Malachæi
The updates happen every 2-4 months or so. I did jump from 0.10 to 0.15 and then to 0.18. It's a solo project that I spent time on after work. Sometimes I have more time, sometimes less.
Does Kate stay pregnant after impregnating her? I've been skipping to 20-30 days now but she's still pregnant.
Yes, she does.
Found a small bug (Can't send a video sorry I only have potato pc).
When I went to the library to talk to Asara, I picked a location to go to the sewers, but I canceled it and weirdly I was teleported to Asara's dorm. Funny thing tho is that I haven't even unlocked the dorms yet.
Also Helen cannot be found at the university or anywhere during the evenings even tho the map and the glossary say's she is available.
Thats all, great game btw props to the person that made the dialog's funny af also the reference of harem hotel caught me off guard lmao.
I'll look into these. Thank you.
I liked the game, the premise is good and the scenario with everything together and mixed. I add a lot of things I've seen in other games here on the platform. Modern scenery, magic, semi-humans, maybe a "villain" is missing!.. Which reminds me to ask why Klaus has so much history, if I can leave my opinion here, he doesn't add anything, in the prologue maybe , but then it doesn't even serve as comic relief. The MC is very condescending to him. Well, so far as I'm following the lore, it's been pretty interesting. I apologize here in advance, because I didn't check if something has already been commented on this. I noticed that during the game the MC's design was changed with that of Klaus. The first time happened during the prologue and I didn't care, because I thought it was my mistake. Now it happened again, during Natalie's event on the beach. After the MC comes back from the changing room, to watch the volleyball match. Anyway, congratulations for the beautiful work.
On the beach the hero has changed himself into Klaus to avoid confrontation with the pregnant woman. Illusion, nothing else. I can't check atm but I think there was some inner monologue about it.
As for the prologue you'd have to be more specific. You mean him telling the story?
Thanks for the answer! In this case, fine! Maybe I skipped some part of the text! About the prologue I will try to restart the story to observe the exact point! Thanks again for your attention!
if the illusion spell was mentioned in the scene it's well hidden - I stumbled over this as well.
Okay. I love the game and played it again, after the hints for the side characters was added. But I am missing 6 side characters and for every character says the hint, that no more content for this version. Did I miss something?
These haven't been added to any locations yet hence they're still locked.
Okay. Thank you for the response.
Can't install on my phone
I'd need more details. Any errors? Could be something silly like the app getting blocked because it doesn't recognize the developer.
You can always download something like JoiPlay and try the PC version. You'll need JoiPlay anyway for any renpy game that is over 2gb in size.
Nice new update. I liked seeing Willow and getting to know her better. Plus seeing the MC fight too. Then the cat, it was what I was hoping for :D
I didnt see the brick save message and I loaded the game halfway through and event. It basically made me replay the event the next day as it was a trigger event (last save was the Issabella event, so I replayed the date). Would I have broken the save ? I didnt see anything that broke.
Probably not if you replayed it.
Happy to see you liked it. Thanks.
0.15 you can keep on buying neko overtimers without limit. it does not remember that you already own it
That's fine. You can only use it once during the minigame and it's a consumable.
Oh I see. I assumed it is used automatically and is reusable. My bad there, that is what I get for assuming
funny how klaus is referred to as ugly when he looks much better than the MC lmao
Well MC has the succubus charm filter on, and also in the karaoke event with Klaus they were interested in him until he Klaused it up but Klaus is my fav one of the reason i play is his presences.
Great game. One of the newer ones I've seen that is pretty good and not a pain to play through, lots of funny moments. Animations were great wasn't expecting them to be so nice. Also story isn't half bad and looks like it has a lot of potential. Im really picky about what gets to stay on my phone and this definently has potential.
Klaus is a hilarious comedic relief character. Really like Eileen, Varess and Mizuki are probably my top 3 now I think Eileen is 1st despite the lack of *plot* scenes with her but she is just so interesting.
The kitsune is so damn adorable I want to just protect that smile. Nice to hear Willow and Helen content especially the Willow content I uh appreciate the options to change our relationship with her ;)
Also a lot games tend to lack side character options just like a quickie is all I ask and u got those here. Pretty nice surprises to run into as there aren't hints to them which makes it a fun surprise, unless there are and I'm blind lol. Keep those side bangs coming I enjoy the main girls but unexpected side bangs are nice surprises.
Edit: Also I noticed in the gallery a pregnant girl? Or some girl in a red bikini? Not sure where to find her, a sie character I think, trying to think how I missed her.
Thanks for the comment, appreciate it.
There are no hints for side characters at the moment. I will most likely have to throw something for the bigger events like Natalie has but minor stuff will be left to explore.
As for the pregnant girl:
-complete Natalie's first event at night
-order new drink at the bar
-if nothing happens then read the bellow
SPOILERS ahead. Read at your own discretion:
Another requirements is for you to have taken advantage of the girl at the border checkpoint. If you haven't then there's something else coming for her in the next update. You will also get an option to use a cheat code and change your decision to a new option - helping without taking advantage.
Seriously, I wish itch offered something like a [spoiler] command.
No worries thanks! Ah no wonder. Was curious if I missed something at the beach. Ah nice yeah the border girl was nice, cool to see it'll be expanded upon and an alternate option.
bar? what bar?
this game definitely needs some kind of hint system, i definitely didn't see anywhere near 1/4 of 4800 scenes ,, i prolly only saw 500 (1/10th of the game?) ..
i was left with the feeling that this was a small game so far, and was feeling disappointed and wasnt going to follow it any more - so with that in mind, hints would help you retain a player base.
lucky i came back to check up on the game and saw this comment.
in the meantime, i guess i'll reinstall it and try again when the new update is released
There's hints already for the main girls, which is like 90% of the content. Open up the glossary, select a character and click on 'hint'.
Side character hints are coming in the next update.
and that is working? obviously not. as i said, i saw around 10% of what you say is included in the game. that made me lose interest, and the only thing that brought me back was pure luck. how many others didn't come back? are you aware of the widely-known statistic in retail that only 1:10 ppl actually give feedback when they have an issue? 9/10 customers with a problem usually just leave and never return.
butt sure, you can ignore my advice if you want, its your loss. #NotMyCircusNotMyMonkeys
Not exactly what I meant. It was mostly a reply to the 'this game definitely needs some kind of hint system' part. Yes, there is a hint system but yes I know it needs improvement.
Also, your feedback is appreciated. Idk if what I said came off wrong or not.
I'm not sure about the numbers but I know that very well, being a customer myself and often not bothering giving feedback.
Is it gnna get updated any soon.if yes im gnna wait for the update orelse im gnna download it..
In about 2 months or more.
Bis ans Ende der Welt (MF-1788)
Hello. What is your nationality? I got stunned in the Eileen story when I saw my matern language being used. And very well actually.
After playing the new version
-- Loved the foxs beastial insticts coming out when shes horny. The licking, sniffing and panting. It was pretty interesting. Then shes back to civil the next morning after calming down pretending like it didnt happen. Cuming on the tail was the icing on the cake. What a cultured MC. I like where its going :D
--Holy fuck, Klaus can sing. Outstanding, but I still knew he was going to self destruct. He didnt disappoint. Fox is finally fed up with him heh. Shes finally complaining.
-- I feel like MCs ment to be the one who breaks Erikas curse.... but.... I totally hope she stays like that, for a long time at least.. ngl, cause I'd total hit that (Kemonomimi that is, RIP Henry) . Maybe if we got the succubus involved to confuse her feelings, she might wanna stay a pig girl for the MC, or not.. Just my wishful thinking :p. If the curse irreversible now, I'd be happy with that.
-- Finally got to see the succubus in action with Isabella Was nice to see her get involved with helping the MC like that. She really did us proud handling Isabella. I like her playing a more active role like that as MCs companion/winglady. So I enjoyed it. And her shenanigans :).
--Figured Mia as a side character, and probably is. But shes sorta growing on me now where I want the MC to tame her like a main girl. But I also been looking forward to the lonely elf. I'll have to be patient for that I guess.
Thank you for making this game, I been enjoying it.
Glad to hear you like it. Thanks for the comment.
Anyone else have the game keep crashing during Isabella's sex scene? Also, is it possible to turn off animations to get around this kind of problem?
That's a first for me. PC or android and what scene exactly? Just a crash and no errors?
Sadly no, it's not possible.
Android, latest version. No errors. When Isabella is being plowed against the window, on one foot if I remember. It crashes almost instantly. Varess in the bath too. I can say these crashes repeat. Hope this helps, awesome game by the way!
I can't recreate this issue on my phone or other devices so it's rather difficult to resolve. I did however update renpy (the game engine) which brings some updates to android packaging. I also reconverted the animations you're having issues with. Hope this helps.
Make sure you transfer/copy your save files before reinstalling.
PS. Didn't have time to test this but nothing was changed except for renpy version... so it should be fine.
Okay. I'll try it out. Fingers crossed. Thanks.
The animations are running much smoother, crashes are much less frequent. Thanks again and keep up the good work. Looking forward to the next installment!
Shame there wasn't more of Helen or Willow this update but I'm very much interested in seeing more. Especially with how things are unfolding at school and Isabella!
Couple of things I ran into:
For some reason trying to talk to Asuka in the evening has you talk to Mizuki instead.
Also, would be nice to have hints for side characters and events we can actually do. I spent longer than I care to admit trying to figure out how to unlock the 8th gallery scene. Bar tender told me about a girl he had seen so I spent every hour of every day for a week trying to run into her but no luck.
Gave up and looked at the game files to see if I could find my own hint and discovered was with the girl I didn't take advantage of for not having a valid passport.
Figured that's why I haven't ran into her, or if I'm supposed to run into her anyways it's currently bugged.
Must have missed the Asuka/Mizu thing. Thanks for the report.
Hints for side characters will be definitely coming. Considering their numbers it's a must. As for the girl, people who didn't take advantage of her will see her in the next update with different content from people who did.
Cool, thanks for looking into it <3
Looking forward to future updates, can't wait to see more!
Fingers crossed coming with the next update for 1 character.
Oh my god i love this. So funny (author even making fun of other renpy games like Harem Hotel, but in a good way). The character of Klaus is insane and his stories are insane as well (i am always laughing with his charades. Did almost "died" couple of times, because if i laugh too much i start coughing and if i cough too much i start to suffocate (it's worse right now, because i am sick), but still love it.
I like the character models of girls, some are very cute and not totally copy pasted, like many other games.
I think i will be a patron. Think i will take the Headmaster. You deserve more than 14£ a month. Though i will wait for the start of next month (so monday). Will see how my finances goes and how long i can go. I really hope for you to get more attention. You deserve it. Keep up the good work
Thank you.
how do i unlock having sex with the coworker in the burger joint?
Score 3400 points or more in the minigame.
Hmm, well i was never good with this types of games and my best score for now is 1500 (and i though thats good), sooo this is probably out of the question for me :)
The next update coming in December will allow you to skip minigames (you can pick which ones). You'll also be able to get the rewards another way.
I also plan on adding boosts, items etc. to the minigame to make things easier but this may come later.
yeah i havent even come close to 3400 either.. only juyst scraping the 1500 mark.. same with the memory game, there just isn't enough time to make more than a single retry on matches - and thats not just me being slow, you literally cannot click any faster, its either a perfect game, or you lose..i also hate skipping minigames, but they should at least be winnable without being absolutely perfect. the dev should study some game theory (no, not the social sciences type, the gaming type)
I scored over 4000 and nothing happened...
Only way nothing could have happened is if you scored it the first time playing the minigame during Asu's story.
Talk to the manager, select 'work' and score it again. You should be able to get it.
I scored it the third time, after I finish all stories.
It seems you are correct. I identified the bug. I'll fix it with the next update.
i couldn't give a flying shit what companies like IGN or others say. You pay them and they give full ratings and glowing reviews no matter how bad something is.
11/10 - IGN "would bang again"
My Pros?
- Enjoyed the succubus, the aloof personality plays really well with a succubus, I like it. plus! Also finally a fellow man of culture, who understands horns make great handle bars!
- Supernatural elements, like the above pro, supernatural events and races make these games more interesting to me.
- Klaus is dope, never change pls. But seriously, how does the kitsune remain so patient ? Sometimes he does get too retarded, but I can mind it in the spirit of comedy. Klaus also nailed the straight man tangent, beautiful
- Dark humor, great you dont care about offending those snowflakes. aka, that pornstar vid for example was top notch. But I tell ya when I heard that gunshot, I was like "oh noes, what have I done" But it all turned out fine in the end.
- Milk with Tea gang
- Parodies of at least 2 games I recognized.
-Harem. With great power, comes great bitches.
My Cons?
- Succubus, I wish there was more to do with her early on, and I dont understand why you dont let us into the bathroom too since we are bounded anyway. Is she really going to Kyaaaa, cause we saw her bathing nude ?. I suggest more light hearted scenes, such as flirting and teasing and a repeatable BJ or HJ until her story opens up into the real scenes (the first fuck). Or her doing random funny shit /shrugs. So I kinda wish she played a more active role and really do want to see her "succubus" powers being used or on display. even if just for shits and giggles (pranking the local populace)
- MapA feels like restrictive atm. Not alot of places to visit, not alot of things to do in most places.
- MapB, Kinda similar in terms to the one above, but I find myself having to use pass time a hell of a lot. Nothing to do otherwise, Needs some little events and things the MC can be doing to pass time. I assume more minigames and being about to hunt rats (plus more ?) in the future will be implemented ?
- Cant touch the fluffy tail or ears. Im salty
- All I can think of for now, as the main cons.
Extra Notes?
-The cat watching her mistress getting railed was noice. Makes me wish it maybe was a nekomatta or something in cat form. So catgirl ? Probably not, but I will hope. It clearly did enjoy what it saw right ^_~
- Klaus being caught fucking a skull had me in tears.
- Why does the school, or say the nerd have the sex/perv spells and the succubus doesnt, im going to hope its cause the succubus powers are massively more potent ? As a demon of desire. Guess maybe cause we yet to see the succubus in full action. Hopefully it makes Henry's spells childs play.
-Snake Lady,, hehe, that was a great one.
- Felt a little wierd, when the blue hair tree hugger turned Klaus into stone and we did nothing as a "guard". I was hoping the MC would demand her to turn him back and he would let her walk away(what she did was seriously a serious crime, attack on law enforcement)
- I think more rape play with succubus could be fun. Dont really know if any other character would be into it. Im also curious about succubus pee, but not sure if its going to be a thing. Its in the dirty list of kinks <.<
Anyway, its already a novel at this point, so will end it here. Was a fun game. Lots of potential.
Thank you for the feedback. I'm well aware of the cons and slowly work to improve them.
Minor events, minigames etc. were planned to take a bigger part in killing time inbetween events but it's all WIP.
/ wants MC to uphold the law.
/ also wants MC to rape the girl.
not sure if you've heard of consistency
What do you mean, the Succubus is free game. He rapes her, she rapes him back. The games begin! And if theres any other character into the play, then thats fine. MC isnt going to just start raping random girls,. thats not what I asking. Is that the conclusion you came too ?
"I think more rape play with succubus could be fun."
Completely expectedly, that is the conclusion i came to.
Not sure what I'm missing but I'm unable to progress on day 3 in the afternoon. Literally can't talk to anyone or do anything.
-open the glossary, select a character, check hints on where to go and when
-skip time if needed (icon in top left)
Didn't know you could skip time. Must've skipped passed that hint. Thank you
An android version would be great to have....
Will try to get it done for the next update.
Quite a lot of content for an early version. Wicked sense of humour.
Hey look! Its Lucy from Heros Harem!
This is certainly an enjoyable and often hilarious game. I'm not quite finished with this version yet, but I'm already looking forward to the next update. I'm not able to help you out on Patreon, but if you do the name your own price (I know a number of devs who don't like it) or Buy Me a Coffee, I'd like to give you something, at least.
Thanks, appreciate it. I named my own price for the game as 0$ and don't feel obliged to donate anything. Upvoting the game or sharing it with your friends is more than enough.