I seem to have come to a point where there are only two hints: 1. Approach the fairies at daytime, 2. Proceed with Asara to the sewers(Lvl 4) I can't seem to complete any as the fairies are proving too difficult to defeat and I can't see any gateway to lvl 4 sewer. How should I go about it?
Talk to Asara and select 'practice'. If battle minigame is on, it will show you the inventory and preparation screen. Select the map on the left (4th icon).
Stairs are marked clearly on the map. If you use them at least once, you can quickly change the floors in the upper right corner. To get to lvl 4 from level 2, you need to use the stairs at bottom left of the map.
Okay, so I have these pieces of paper that are supposed to make the 3 in 1 games easier/better/longer/more money, but I can't use them before I work or while I'm working... what am I missing?
I can’t believe how much fun that is. Especially the German jokes.. I am German by myself, so I know what Klaus is saying and he is my favorite male of all games hahaha
That Game has everything. Good plot for the girls, funny moments, nice fights.. whatever someone is looking for, hier ist es :D
Guys it’s irrelevant but there was a game that our character was a teacher or headmaster I guess I really don’t remember much of it but you could make everyone in the school nude by making a rule by grinding do you guys know it
A year since my last comment the game still looks great.
I especially like how the choices change the dialogue lines, it reminds me of old classic plot-based RPGs.An additional plus is the focus on the pregnancy fetish (well, there's no hiding the fact that it's one of my favorites), although I still miss the possibility of MC becoming filthy rich and taking all the girls home under the pretext of expanding the family, clans or whatever.
So when can we expect the next update? Can't wait to see what happens after the whole Hiroshi scene and will some girls like Lea, Callie or Rhea be part of the glossary in the future? I find them very interesting characters story wise.
I'm at the part where they're having a party and it says "scout the seduction circle" been walking around and clicking everything for the last few days but can't figure out what to do
Free roam mode is any open location where you can open the map, inventory and so on. For example home bed.
You can load a save file that has an event running too but you get like a 0.001% chance of encountering some minor issues. Overall, it's just a generic warning.
Very good and funny game with one of the best battle system (maybe the best, i played almost adult games on this site and yours still out rank others), i see you guys put a lot of effort in that, and the skills system so cool with complex effects and masteries.
But is it only me or someone has perfomance issue, my phone seem laggy and everything seem slow when combat and minigame (especially the 1in3 game at the fast food restaurant, tried my best and only got 3.2k points because of the lagging and slow waiting the icons drop down after done some combos).
This one goes to my collection and waiting for the next update (and the librarian girl). Thank you dev for making this and sorry for bad English.
P.s: i wanna shot that Klaus in the head many times or order the female necromancer kill him then kill her and revive her after, still wonder why everyone can stand him and not doing anything.
This game have a lot of stupid humour and it's pretty amusing. Something light hearted a lot of AVNs go in hard and fast with the emotions. this just... takes the piss out of everything and everything. Which is refreshing tbh! On a different note.. So, helen is a closet nazi??
Was loving it until i hit a memory game that forced me to do it for the scene, not into that. If I do not want certain scenes or avenues, then I should be able to not pursue it.
Haven't played this game in a while, thought I'd give it a replay, then I realised immediately that in would need to re-do every interaction with Klaus again... No thanks.
Suggestion: a Replay mode that skips interactions with Klaus and give brief summaries instead.
That'd be difficult as he's part of the main story. I could add an option or a cheat to skip the early content that doesn't add much to the story (mostly early Mizuki events).
You'd still have to watch him get kidnapped, but he mellows out at that point.
That might be a good method, I do really like the game! But god Klaus is just the worst. I think this is mainly because he is such a real kind of evil, the Nepotism hire that is immune to consequences is just such a real world frustration.
I can't upload sync on this game on porngameshub, meaning I can't physically download sync to continue where I left off on the download link from your page.
Mega sad. Since that means having to restart and not having access to sabmods skillpoints, money, potions and stats increase. >.<
You can export your save on porngameshub. It will download a .zip file called savegames. Open that, go to Lustharem-1622208019 and your save files are inside. Throw them inside LustHarem/game/saves
It took me a minute to figure out what you meant, but I managed to do it. I appreciate it. I'm far from tech savvy and I'm currently ill so I had to think for a minute until I realised simply opening two separate file explorers to drag n drop was all I needed, and it was the physical save itself, not the entire folder. Lmao. Thanks for the reply, my guy.
I'd also like to inquire how to upload my data on the game downloaded from here as I can't figure out how to upload sync to transfer from pgh extract data to your downloaded file and upload my save. It's telling me I require a code and I'm unfamiliar with how to get aforementioned code.
Been meaning to ask, but does anybody know how to date mia? Do I have to not be dating isabella in order for it to trigger? Because my next two quests are to talk to varess and then the tournament starting, it says the last event for mia is dating, but I've yet to date her and am uncertain if it's an isabella clash since I denied her then played along, or if it's only started during the tournament. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Oh, so it's merely just the simple one that leads to her getting a dorm room? I thought there'd be a follow up date like actually going somewhere, I just wanted to ensure that dating Isabella doesn't conflict with it or helping cure Erika.
I seem to be stuck, I only have one activity available which is approach the faries at daytime. I've tried to do it at every single time but the same thing just happens where i wake up in my bed and nothing changes, anyone know what could be wrong?
Hi there, Xiongmao, I just wanted to report on a couple bugs I've noticed with the introduction of the mobile phone icon as of the most recent update 0.40. 2 of the icons, specifically the ones showing an exclamation mark, have a habit of bringing up innumerable errors, thus making it impossible to remove the notification indicator whilst on there. I'm uncertain if this is an issue other people have when using web browser sites or if it's just me, but would you be willing to have a look at it when possible? I did mention it on the porngameshub site in the comments, however I don't know how often if at you you go on there. As such, I felt it prudent to inform you here instead.
Have yourself a lovely day and please continue the good work.
Never tried playing it on a browser but checked it out of curiosity. Overall impressive stuff and props to them for doing it, but yeah, I do get some errors with WarpPhoneText. However, it appears it's an error exclusive to the hosting site (porngameshub) or rather their version of the game. In fact, all the errors mentioned in the comments are a first to me.
You'll have to take it to the admins, I'm afraid. I did notice some minor modifications. Sabmod is installed, so I'm guessing they made some other minor tweaks too. Maybe forgot to copy some bits or maybe something broke along the way. No idea. If you don't wanna wait for their fix, then feel free to download the game. I can see you can export the saves.
Appreciate the reply. I can certainly understand that third-party sites may alter things for their benefit and whatnot, as I had similar issues using fap-nation when playing or downloading strive-conquest by "Strive-for-power". And had to download his direct link from itch.io for it to work fluidly. I'm not overly fussed about not being able to access them as I'm sure it's mostly cosmetic or miscellaneous features, at least, that's my assumption. But I still felt it valid to let you know in-case it was an issue needing addressing. I try to do so if I have any issues with games I play such as this, strive-conquest, corrupted kingdoms and Renryuu Ascension. All three of these are quite frankly some of my personal favourites. That being said, Thanks for the reply as well as the confirmation. And I look forward to the future updates.
During combat, use heal on summons. This will not break invisibility. Last steps depend how much mana the fairies have left. Probably not much, so just drain mana and finish them off.
Is this a new save made on version 0.40 or an older one? Anyway, I think I know what the issue is.
I'll release a hotfix tomorrow most likely. If you're on PC, try using the renpy console and enter the following:
er_story1.maphint = {'inactive': "Help Erika lift the curse or get Varess to seduce her.", 'active': "Help Erika lift the curse or get Varess to seduce her."}
er_story1.maptags = None
Hi, I can't say I know how to use the consol or at least don't remember if I did something like that once alredy, still i didn't really encountered another problem and simply left it at that.
I got another more persistent error after the double battle before what I assume is the seduction cycle event. (for some reason I wasn't sure if I can mention that here.)
I will try a fix when you tell me how to do it or simply wait. I thought it was simply over.
edit: saving, stopping and playing a bit later worked. Before it was like ignore, differen area, ignore different area, ignore, probably skipping over stuff.
The memory game is impossibly hard. Is there any item or something to extend the time?
Same for combat. I'm trying to level up, but it takes ages. And now I constantly get fights with like 6 rats, which I can't do unless I'm willing to spend every bit of money on mana potions.
Studying with Helen increases it by 1 second up to three times.
As for combat, skills matter more than levels. You only get xp for monsters up to two levels below yours. Fire ground, mana shield and summons are all great against rats.
I tried the memory game like 20 more times and had no chance. I'm giving up on that. It's undoable. The 3 second boost doesn't really help when you'd need like 30 seconds more.
I got the Neko overtimer but cant figure out how to use it. Same as the Hentai magazine which also doesn't do anything.
← Return to game
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I seem to have come to a point where there are only two hints: 1. Approach the fairies at daytime, 2. Proceed with Asara to the sewers(Lvl 4)
I can't seem to complete any as the fairies are proving too difficult to defeat and I can't see any gateway to lvl 4 sewer. How should I go about it?
Talk to Asara and select 'practice'. If battle minigame is on, it will show you the inventory and preparation screen. Select the map on the left (4th icon).
Stairs are marked clearly on the map. If you use them at least once, you can quickly change the floors in the upper right corner. To get to lvl 4 from level 2, you need to use the stairs at bottom left of the map.
Just wondering is there a walkthrough
No, sorry.
Okay, so I have these pieces of paper that are supposed to make the 3 in 1 games easier/better/longer/more money, but I can't use them before I work or while I'm working... what am I missing?
Upper right corner when playing mini game. Just click on them.
Thanks! I was so focused on the time limit that I didn't notice them on the right side (going down, not the pause button thingy) of the monitor.
Does anyone know how to defeat Anisa? Except titus exposus
I can’t believe how much fun that is. Especially the German jokes.. I am German by myself, so I know what Klaus is saying and he is my favorite male of all games hahaha That Game has everything. Good plot for the girls, funny moments, nice fights.. whatever someone is looking for, hier ist es :D
Cheat codes please
Anyone know how to beat the stupid fairies? I can't get past them at all. Using demon summon as well as skeletons and I'm not even close
Try invisibility. Have them waste mana on summons and finish them off.
Damn, that worked like a charm. I did invisibility before but I didn't think to use the summons as bait to get then to waste mana. Thanks!
I also drained their mana once I was able to target them.
Loving the game!
Two quick questions though.
How do I find the other daughter that's not Hana or Fuku? (Trying to not give any spoilers)
Also my beach has a slight glitch possibly it's showing a persistent mission alert on the map. I've done asmuch as possible buts still there.
Third one is not a daughter but son. Also, not available atm as locations are pending.
Beach is probably the bar. Check the hints - H in upper right corner.
Thank you very much for the response. I'm loving the game so far! I can't wait to see how the game progresses.
Only English at present?
I'm afraid so, yes. There are some rough translations available online. Just google 'Lust Harem your language'.
Guys it’s irrelevant but there was a game that our character was a teacher or headmaster I guess I really don’t remember much of it but you could make everyone in the school nude by making a rule by grinding do you guys know it
The headmaster
No it’s not the one I am asking for is for Android
The Corrupted Kingdom? I know you can become a teacher and after a bit of grinding make a policy that makes girls be in school nude.
Maybe I have to play that again
A year since my last comment the game still looks great.
I especially like how the choices change the dialogue lines, it reminds me of old classic plot-based RPGs. An additional plus is the focus on the pregnancy fetish (well, there's no hiding the fact that it's one of my favorites), although I still miss the possibility of MC becoming filthy rich and taking all the girls home under the pretext of expanding the family, clans or whatever.
Well, one can always dream, right?
honestly didn`t even get to the good old sex and im already in love with this game. Its actually funny which you usually dont expect from nsfw games.
10/10 don`t know who wrote the dialogues but you sir are a genius.
So when can we expect the next update? Can't wait to see what happens after the whole Hiroshi scene and will some girls like Lea, Callie or Rhea be part of the glossary in the future? I find them very interesting characters story wise.
Been hoping for November but I'm a bit occupied irl atm, so probably December.
Rhea and Lea, yes. Callie most likely not.
I'm at the part where they're having a party and it says "scout the seduction circle" been walking around and clicking everything for the last few days but can't figure out what to do
Go to the basement. Think it was a menu choice in one of the locations.
So how to "load the game into free roam mode" ? I want to use my old save file for new version
Free roam mode is any open location where you can open the map, inventory and so on. For example home bed.
You can load a save file that has an event running too but you get like a 0.001% chance of encountering some minor issues. Overall, it's just a generic warning.
Very good and funny game with one of the best battle system (maybe the best, i played almost adult games on this site and yours still out rank others), i see you guys put a lot of effort in that, and the skills system so cool with complex effects and masteries.
But is it only me or someone has perfomance issue, my phone seem laggy and everything seem slow when combat and minigame (especially the 1in3 game at the fast food restaurant, tried my best and only got 3.2k points because of the lagging and slow waiting the icons drop down after done some combos).
This one goes to my collection and waiting for the next update (and the librarian girl). Thank you dev for making this and sorry for bad English.
P.s: i wanna shot that Klaus in the head many times or order the female necromancer kill him then kill her and revive her after, still wonder why everyone can stand him and not doing anything.
Hey. Thank you for the feedback.
Further performance improvements will be coming in the next update.
Duuude, Klaus is my hero. No one has made me laugh harder in years!
This game have a lot of stupid humour and it's pretty amusing. Something light hearted a lot of AVNs go in hard and fast with the emotions. this just... takes the piss out of everything and everything. Which is refreshing tbh! On a different note.. So, helen is a closet nazi??
Wouldn't say nazi, simply racist.
I hope there's a guide on how to complete the gallery
one more thing, does the current version ends with talking to the blue haired girl about being a murderer??
Either that one with Eileen or Mizu about someone going missing.
I love the dumb humor like getting ebola from sex so many times you become immune
Is there any cheat like getting all skill and got maxed stats?
Patreon/SS supporters only. And not max, but something like +10 all stats, which is a lot.
do u guys got walkthrough? i miss a lot of scene bruh
I can't find Christina at university in the morning
Check the right side. She's with Mia.
Klaus #1 man of the hour
I think I finally reached the end of the events, not bad. sometimes i was curious if I could have prevented a situation or feelings involved.
Gostaria de saber o código que tem que botar
Was loving it until i hit a memory game that forced me to do it for the scene, not into that. If I do not want certain scenes or avenues, then I should be able to not pursue it.
You can switch the minigames off in the stats screen. You'll get magazines unlocking the gallery entries in free roam locations instead.
Haven't played this game in a while, thought I'd give it a replay, then I realised immediately that in would need to re-do every interaction with Klaus again... No thanks.
Suggestion: a Replay mode that skips interactions with Klaus and give brief summaries instead.
That'd be difficult as he's part of the main story. I could add an option or a cheat to skip the early content that doesn't add much to the story (mostly early Mizuki events).
You'd still have to watch him get kidnapped, but he mellows out at that point.
That might be a good method, I do really like the game! But god Klaus is just the worst. I think this is mainly because he is such a real kind of evil, the Nepotism hire that is immune to consequences is just such a real world frustration.
I can't upload sync on this game on porngameshub, meaning I can't physically download sync to continue where I left off on the download link from your page.
Mega sad. Since that means having to restart and not having access to sabmods skillpoints, money, potions and stats increase. >.<
You can export your save on porngameshub. It will download a .zip file called savegames. Open that, go to Lustharem-1622208019 and your save files are inside. Throw them inside LustHarem/game/saves
It took me a minute to figure out what you meant, but I managed to do it. I appreciate it. I'm far from tech savvy and I'm currently ill so I had to think for a minute until I realised simply opening two separate file explorers to drag n drop was all I needed, and it was the physical save itself, not the entire folder. Lmao. Thanks for the reply, my guy.
Glad you got it working.
I'd also like to inquire how to upload my data on the game downloaded from here as I can't figure out how to upload sync to transfer from pgh extract data to your downloaded file and upload my save. It's telling me I require a code and I'm unfamiliar with how to get aforementioned code.
Been meaning to ask, but does anybody know how to date mia? Do I have to not be dating isabella in order for it to trigger? Because my next two quests are to talk to varess and then the tournament starting, it says the last event for mia is dating, but I've yet to date her and am uncertain if it's an isabella clash since I denied her then played along, or if it's only started during the tournament. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Mia asks you out after cursing Erika. It's a very straightforward question and answer. Maybe you rejected her offer?
Oh, so it's merely just the simple one that leads to her getting a dorm room? I thought there'd be a follow up date like actually going somewhere, I just wanted to ensure that dating Isabella doesn't conflict with it or helping cure Erika.
It doesn't conflict. There's a Mia date planned for after patch 0.50.
I seem to be stuck, I only have one activity available which is approach the faries at daytime. I've tried to do it at every single time but the same thing just happens where i wake up in my bed and nothing changes, anyone know what could be wrong?
You die. The minigame is off, so instead of going into combat you simply go and die. Grab the required skills to proceed.
What are the required skills to proceed?
Think it was invisibility and drain mana.
Any Idea where to get those
Invisibility is from the main story (stalking Erika). Drain mana from Magda.
Ok now I did that, there is 0 activities available, does that mean i finished the game?
This update? Probably. Check the gallery and see what's left to unlock.
Hi there, Xiongmao, I just wanted to report on a couple bugs I've noticed with the introduction of the mobile phone icon as of the most recent update 0.40. 2 of the icons, specifically the ones showing an exclamation mark, have a habit of bringing up innumerable errors, thus making it impossible to remove the notification indicator whilst on there. I'm uncertain if this is an issue other people have when using web browser sites or if it's just me, but would you be willing to have a look at it when possible? I did mention it on the porngameshub site in the comments, however I don't know how often if at you you go on there. As such, I felt it prudent to inform you here instead.
Have yourself a lovely day and please continue the good work.
Never tried playing it on a browser but checked it out of curiosity. Overall impressive stuff and props to them for doing it, but yeah, I do get some errors with WarpPhoneText. However, it appears it's an error exclusive to the hosting site (porngameshub) or rather their version of the game. In fact, all the errors mentioned in the comments are a first to me.
You'll have to take it to the admins, I'm afraid. I did notice some minor modifications. Sabmod is installed, so I'm guessing they made some other minor tweaks too. Maybe forgot to copy some bits or maybe something broke along the way. No idea. If you don't wanna wait for their fix, then feel free to download the game. I can see you can export the saves.
Appreciate the reply. I can certainly understand that third-party sites may alter things for their benefit and whatnot, as I had similar issues using fap-nation when playing or downloading strive-conquest by "Strive-for-power". And had to download his direct link from itch.io for it to work fluidly. I'm not overly fussed about not being able to access them as I'm sure it's mostly cosmetic or miscellaneous features, at least, that's my assumption. But I still felt it valid to let you know in-case it was an issue needing addressing. I try to do so if I have any issues with games I play such as this, strive-conquest, corrupted kingdoms and Renryuu Ascension. All three of these are quite frankly some of my personal favourites. That being said, Thanks for the reply as well as the confirmation. And I look forward to the future updates.
Thank you.
How tf i win fairy :
A super easy win is grabbing invisibility, summons and drain mana. Invisibility doesn't break until you attack an enemy.
just use invis drain mana and skeletron summon?? loop?
Invisibility & skelies in buff screen.
During combat, use heal on summons. This will not break invisibility. Last steps depend how much mana the fairies have left. Probably not much, so just drain mana and finish them off.
why i got hit in invis can u show me how to win?
Some area of effect spells may still affect you. Also, attacking the enemy will break the invisibility and replace with displacement.
How much longer until I get more demonology stuff? I got my first spell
I made it difficult for myself and haven't gotten to many spells so far.
You can't learn more demonology spells atm. It's work in progress.
Oh well old games teaced me to hold onto my sweet skill points, I will look for more good spells now.
When I play sniper hunting with my kittens, will I find them?
Use the map to check where they are. You can only find two for now.
Isabella might have broken my savefile, I will see but I have to press ignore a bunch and I think my map was messed up.
Is this a new save made on version 0.40 or an older one? Anyway, I think I know what the issue is.
I'll release a hotfix tomorrow most likely. If you're on PC, try using the renpy console and enter the following:
I will take a look later thank you, after a bit persistence it seems to be fixed now.
Uhhh if I remember it right I continued an old save , i stoped playing that game once.
Back then I had no patience for it.
Yeah, the two console commands should fix it then. I recommend not simply ignoring errors. It may cause issues long term.
Hi, I can't say I know how to use the consol or at least don't remember if I did something like that once alredy, still i didn't really encountered another problem and simply left it at that.
I got another more persistent error after the double battle before what I assume is the seduction cycle event. (for some reason I wasn't sure if I can mention that here.)
I will try a fix when you tell me how to do it or simply wait. I thought it was simply over.
edit: saving, stopping and playing a bit later worked. Before it was like ignore, differen area, ignore different area, ignore, probably skipping over stuff.
i supsect the songs are the problem.
Difficult to say. You'd have to post the error/log file here.
Is the Cat Vanisher or am I just missing one?
I mean is it me not seeing it? I found one going right and the other using the map it got shown.
One cannot be found. His location is pending work.
Why arent the cheats working?
If you got them off Patreon a long time ago (0.32 or earlier), they were updated & changed in 0.36. Also, check for typos.
The memory game is impossibly hard. Is there any item or something to extend the time?
Same for combat. I'm trying to level up, but it takes ages. And now I constantly get fights with like 6 rats, which I can't do unless I'm willing to spend every bit of money on mana potions.
Studying with Helen increases it by 1 second up to three times.
As for combat, skills matter more than levels. You only get xp for monsters up to two levels below yours. Fire ground, mana shield and summons are all great against rats.
Thanks. I got combat figured out now, I think.
I tried the memory game like 20 more times and had no chance. I'm giving up on that. It's undoable. The 3 second boost doesn't really help when you'd need like 30 seconds more.
I got the Neko overtimer but cant figure out how to use it. Same as the Hentai magazine which also doesn't do anything.
Start the 1in3 minigame and look to the right. They're all there.